I have kids. If you have kids, you know that no matter now good your parents are, you're kinda on your own when it comes to parenting your kids!
My parents were great. I still have a wonderful relationship with each of them. I learned something about being a parent from watching them. But they made mistakes (many of which I have learned from) and they were also captives of the paradigms about parenting they grew up with.
So when I got the chance to narrate a fascinating book about parenting by Dr. Kevin Lehman, I jumped.

It's been out as a book for a while, but as audiobooks have exploded in popularity, many publishers are starting to create audio version of their backlog. The audiobook was published by Christian Audio, which is a division of Recorded Books. Tantor Media did the production work.
This books has a pretty simple plan to help you "get a new kid" in about a week. From the description:
Anyone who has dealt with a strong-willed child knows that it is no easy task to turn bad behavior around. But the popularity of TV programs like Supernanny and Nanny 911 shows that parents have had it up to here and are ready to try anything to get their children to behave. Best-selling author and psychologist Dr. Kevin Leman is here to help.
Have a New Kid by Friday shows parents how to reverse negative behavior in their children - fast! With his signature wit and encouragement, Dr. Leman offers hope and real, practical, doable strategies for regaining control and becoming the parents they always wanted to be. Focusing on changing a child's attitude, behavior, and character, it contains chapters for each day of the week and a special section with advice on everything from rolling eyes to sibling rivalry to talking back to punching walls and much, much more.
While the author is a Christian, and the publisher is a Christian publisher, the book is pretty secular.
I don't know that I fully agree with everything he says, but much of his plan seems sound. My wife and I have implemented some of these ideas and it has helped my kids start to understand consequences for their actions, and made our job as parents easier.
Check it out! It's available on Audible (like everything) as well as ChristianAudio.com and I'm sure in fine stores everywhere!
You can also check out my audiobook narration page for a list of most of the books I've narrated. And hey, if you need a voiceover, contact me!